Referring Physicians and Physical Therapists
The Shoulder Centre plans to engage allied health providers dealing with shoulder problems in our community. We would like to work with you to improve access to non-operative and post-operative treatment for our shoulder patients and to develop evidence-based protocols for treatment in order to facilitate a speedy, safe recovery.
What shoulder problems does The Shoulder Centre treat?
- Rotator cuff tears
- Acute long head of biceps tendon tears
- Shoulder impingement, calcific tendonitis and tendonitis
- Shoulder dislocations, labral tears, and recurrent shoulder instability
- Glenohumeral joint arthritis
- Acromioclavicular joint arthritis
- Clavicle, Scapula and Proximal Humerus fractures
- Pectoralis major tears
What does a referral to The Shoulder Centre mean for my patient?
Your patient will enter a community of care focused on the accurate, fast and cost-effective diagnosis and treatment of all shoulder problems. The Shoulder Centre wants to provide that care as close to home as possible for patients in the CELHIN through a network of shoulder experts and outside that area by improving communication between our experts and family physicians treating shoulder problems around Ontario.
When will I hear back from The Shoulder Centre with an appointment?
We are committed to providing a response to consults for the next available provider within one week of receipt. Consults for specific providers will receive a response based on availability.
What imaging or other tests does my patient need before I refer them?
A Request for Consultation can be sent with no imaging provided that enough clinical information is provided. In some cases we may request additional imaging based on the clinical situation. The majority of patients will only require a series of Xrays and a shoulder ultrasound. MRI is not required before initial consultation but if already completed, please send results. If necessary we will arrange advanced imaging. Please encourage patients to bring copies of the imaging studies with them on CD-ROM, if available, if completed outside of Rouge Valley Health System.
How do I request a specific provider?
The interactive referral form provides the ability to select a specific provider within The Shoulder Centre. Wait times for consults with a specific provider may be significantly longer than for the next available provider. All shoulder experts are trained by and work directly with the founding surgeons of The Shoulder Centre. This means that all shoulder experts have equal access to diagnostic tests and all treatments for shoulder problems so your patient will receive rapid diagnosis and treatment.